- 2022-2023. Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID-Chile). One Health: Una estrategia interdisciplinaria para la prevención de enfermedades emergentes (FOVI 220067). Principal Research (PI): Dra. María Jacqueline Sepúlveda Carreno. Co-researchers: Dra. Alejandra A. Latorre Soto (UdeC); Dr. Anibal Pauchard (UdeC); A. Ortega (Universidad Católica del Norte); Dra. Evelyn L. Jara Fernández (UdeC); Dr. Carla Basualto (Universidad de Aysen); Dr. Fulgencio Lisón (UdeC); Dr. Escudero (Universidad de Murcia); Dr. Gros (Universidad de Murcia) y Dr. P. Marín (Universidad de Murcia). Presupuesto: 32.100 €
- 2022-2024. Universidad de Concepción (Chile). Capacitación de los actores locales en el monitoreo de fauna proveedora de servicios ecosistémicos: Experiencias en la comuna de Santa Barbara (VRIMBC2208). Principal Researcher (PI). Co-researchers: Dra. Paula Meli and Dra. Marcela Rodríguez. Funds: 4,500 €.
- 2022-2026. Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID-Chile). Addressing the causes of Patagonian mammalian diversification from the air: the bat of the genus Eptesicus (Histiotus) case (FONDECYT regular Nº 1220998). Principal Researcher (PI): Dr. Enrique Rodríguez Serrano, Co-researchers: Dr. Cristián Hernández and Dr. Fulgencio Lisón. Funds: 255,000 €.
- 2018-2021. Consejo Superior de Ciencia y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CONICYT-Chile). Coupling insectivorous bats movement and landscape ecology in productive landscapes: Implications to the pest control service (FONDECYT iniciación Nº 11180514). Principal Researcher (PI). Funds: 142,000 €.
- 2018-2021. Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA, Chile). BATsignal project: Developing a complementary pest control system using insectivorous bats within organic farmlands in a context of climate change (PYT-2018-0065). Principal Researcher (PI). Funds: 175,000 €.
- 2017-2018. Fundación para la Innovación Agraria (FIA, Chile). Bat distribution in La Araucania Region of Chile and its role in pest control for a suitable agriculture (PYT-2017-0188). Principal Researcher (PI). Funds: 26,000 €.
- 2014-2019. European Union: LIFE RIPISILVANATURA – Strengthening associated biodiversity of habitat 92A0 and control of Invasive Alien Species in the Segura River (LIFE13 BIO/ES/001407). Research Associate. Principal Researcher: Dr. Francisco Robledano.
2014. Zoological Institute and Museum (Germany). Geomyces destructans project. Collaborator Volunteer with Dr. Sebastien Puechmaille (PI).
2013. University of Stirling. Fight or flight? The spatial genomics of bat species response to climate change. Assistant researcher in collaboration with Dr. Orly Razgour (PI).
2011-2013. Office of Environmental and rural landscapes of Spanish Government. Monitoring of bats colonies of Spain. Researcher.
2011-2012. ANIDA Association. Distribution map of bats in Yecla. Principal researcher.
2010-2011. Instituto de Estudio Albacetenses. Estudio de los quirópteros de Villalgordo del Júcar y su entorno (Albacete). Principal researcher. (1000 €).
2011. Ideas Medioambientales Corp.: Study of bat community in the wind farm “El Chaparro”. Principal researcher.
2011. Cota Ambiental Corp.: Study of affections to Natura 2000 Network in the SACs “El Valle-Carrascoy” and “Saladares del Guadalentín” (Región of Murcia). Principal Researcher.
2009. Cota Ambiental Corp.: Study of affections to Natura 2000 Network in the SAC “Maigmó I Serres de la Foia de Castalla” (Prov. Alicante). Principal Researcher.
2009. Cota Ambiental Corp.: Study of affections to Natura 2000 Network in the SAC “Vega Alta y Sierra del Segura”. Principal Researcher.
2008-2010. Government of Region of Murcia (FEDER Funds). Inventory of priority cavities for bats in the Region of Murcia and development of management guidelines for the SACs sites with bat presence. Exp.: 102/08. Principal Researcher. (Funds: 124,000 €).
2008. Town Hall of Molina de Segura. Bats of the “Vicente Blanes” Ecological Park. Principal Researcher.
2008. Cota Ambiental Corp. Study of conditions of the power station of Mazarron Port over Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in the Regional Park La Muela-Cabo Tiñoso. Principal Researcher.
2008. Regional Park of Calblanque, Monte de las Cenizas y Peña del Águila. Study of the bat community. Principal Researcher. (1000 €).
2006. Spanish Society for the Study and Conservation of Bats (SECEMU). Preliminary Catalogue of important bat caves in the Region of Murcia. Researcher.
2006. Spanish Society for the Study and Conservation of Mammals (SECEM). Study of Important zones for mammals in the Region of Murcia. Researcher.
2006. Regional Park of Sierra Espuña. Study of the bat community. Principal researcher. (1700 €).
2005-2006. Government of Region of Murcia. Preliminary report on the activities conducted to the bats’ study and conservation in the Region of Murcia. Principal researcher.
- 2018. Universidad de La Frontera. Grant “Support for Teachers of Pre- and Post-degree students. (1500 €).
- 2015. Ministerio de Educación de Chile. Grant MECE program. (7000 €).
2011. Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS). Grant to develop outreach activities. (1000 €).
2010. Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses. Grant to study bats in Villalgordo del Júcar (Albacete). (1000 €).
2005-2006. Government of Region of Murcia. Grant to study bats in the Region of Murcia.